NOVA: At the Edge of Space
Hour long documentary for prestigious PBS series. New discoveries about mysterious electrical phenomenon in the upper atmosphere show that we live on an electrified planet. Featuring spectacular footage shot from.
NOVA scienceNOW: Secrets in the Salt
The ancient Egyptians preserved their dead with salt. The technique worked so well that bodies thousands of years old still survive today as mummies. Now researchers are uncovering evidence that.
NOVA scienceNOW: Can We Slow Aging?
Produced and edited for NOVA scienceNOW on PBS. Could a gene that doubles the lifespan of tiny worms help extend human lives, too? In Hawaii, a group of exceptionally healthy.
NOVA scienceNOW: Kryptos
The most enigmatic of all codes in the most clandestine of all places has yet to be fully broken. “Kryptos,” a coded sculpture in the courtyard of CIA headquarters in.
NOVA scienceNOW: Carbon Sequestration
This video from NOVA scienceNOW explains how geophysicist Klaus Lackner and two engineers, Allen and Burton Wright, teamed up to develop a technology to capture an important greenhouse gas, carbon.
NOVA scienceNOW: Earliest Primate
Our most distant primate ancestors, which appeared soon after the dinosaurs died out, were the size of mice.